Sunday, November 27, 2011

How To Make Gold Coins In Skyrim

Skyrim is by far the easiest of all Elder Scroll games when it comes to earning thousands of gold coins in a short time, and there are quite literally loads of ways to do it.
You will find below just a few examples of the types of ways you can actually earn gold when adventuring inside the fantastic Skyrim role playing game.
Collecting Wild Plants To Make Potions
There are thousands upon thousands of flowers and plants strewn across the Skyrim landscape, and taking the time to collect all these beautiful forms of nature can yield a nice amount of gold coins. Especially when visiting an alchemists and mixing the various plants or flowers to produce potions, which can be sold for profit to the various alchemists and shopkeepers.
The only flaw with this method is learning the best plants and flowers to mix together to produce potions that make the most gold coins, because at the beginning you will need to experiment mixing plants and flowers to gain knowledge on the effects each combination has. But flowers and plants are free to pick so there are no overheads just pure profit.
Hunting And Harvesting Meat
This is one of my favourite methods of making gold coins, just because chasing after and shooting arrows at animals with a long bow is fun. There are loads and loads of wild animals in Skyrim such as deer, elk, rabbits, foxes, bears, wolves and a whole host of animals which can be hunted for their skins and meat.
This method though time consuming is really one for players who like to slowly accumulate gold coins over time, maybe taking on the role of a huntsman for a while trying to earn lots of gold coins.
Chopping Wood
Yes there are menial jobs in Skyrim and chopping wood is one of them, arming yourself with a woodsman's axe and heading over to a vacant tree stump next to a pile of wood ready for the chopping is a tedious but very profitable way of making some gold coins when desperate.
If you don't mind spending some chopping wood over and over again, you can build up quite a fair bit of gold coin in a short space of time and is an infinite supply of gold coins when times get hard.
Mining For Ore, Smelting And Producing Weapons
There are lots of ore mines strewn across Skyrim, some which are owned by companies and some which are occupied by bandits or other nasty creatures which will need to be cleared out.
You will usually find a pick axe lying around in the mine, and looking around for the various ore deposits (indicated by a rock with a reddish tint) so you can start chipping away at the ore rich rock to gather some valuable ore.
Many types of ore can be found inside all the mines across Skyrim, and include ore such as gold, silver, iron, and several others. These raw materials must then be turned into ingots by visiting a smelting oven and producing the ingots with the particular ore you have.
You can then use the various ingots to aid in producing valuable and sort after weapons, which will making you lots and lots of gold coins as your Smithing attribute rises.
The only true flaw in this method is the amount of ore deposit found in the cave, and the time passing before the ore regenerates because it depletes when you mine the ore.
Final Word On Making Money In Skyrim
There are lots of other ways to earn yourself valuable gold coins, and taking the time to explore the Skyrim landscape will help you find out some of these hidden methods.
Simon Ecclestone
Learn the secret of how to make more money than you will ever need in Skyrim, with our exclusive video on making Skyrim Gold Coins.